lørdag 22. mai 2010

Bolvar smells!

Ofc i am on other comp now so i dont got the screen :P but i found out that bolvar smells kodo-do-do!
Iloveyoudados assraped him in duell xD cheers man! thanks for raping bolvar and his smelly kitty :D

mandag 3. mai 2010

Orly? ganking is for kids?

I heard that Ganking is for kids, well today im 24y/o and Ganking is still fun! :D

So screw u guys, im going home xD (to gank low lvl's!)

fredag 30. april 2010

Zylopfá is back!

Zylopfá is back and we celebrated that with some Kickass ganking @ SW gates!
here is some pics

Welcome back Zylopfá!! we missed u alot!

onsdag 28. april 2010

So whats new?

whats new? is that a good question? hmmm....gotta think about that i guess...but few things happend :D

  1. Ðarling and pamz got promoted to ratslayers! GRATZ!!! :D
  2. I got promoted too Royal Cowguard! cheers too me :D
  3. I got new mount! ahh yeah! (fucking awsome i tell u) so now im doing taxi service in air aswell :D
  4. i haz ganked :O
  5. Some more ppl left Zylos hand =(
  6. i saw my self in insequor's new movie! =D
  7. im having in few days =D ( may)
my new mount (rocket)

just a random gank outisde ICC

tirsdag 27. april 2010

Insequor's new video! Enjoy :D

Insequor is one hell of a good video maker! so i found out i shall post his new vid here, just hope he dont get mad :D

anyways, here it is! Insequor "The Cleansing"

fredag 23. april 2010

hey all

dont got much too say, but captured some small clips with ganking, gonna edit it to a bigger movie when i get more clips :P
My GF made a pic for me aswell its a pic of me guarding Zylopfá's castle while he rest.

Links to the movies + profile on Xfire:

also more vid's on the profile.
but thats it for this time :P

HA!L and K!LL !!

tirsdag 20. april 2010

Kingrd Zylopfá!

17.04.10 did our king leave WoW for good, this is something we in Zylos Hand think is verry sad.
but ofc, i can see his point since the World PvP is smelly these days with the PvE loving blizztard team that maked the last expansions...(Make something with REAL good WPvP options in cata plx! or well, its prolly all made, so just hope for some better options there then it is in this retarded LK expansion.

Zylopfá Promoted Tornado to Gm, but Tornado wanted a vote on who shall be GM, Insequre got choosen, nothing against it since i think inse is a verry fine player. but ofc, we all miss Zylopfá!

so @ guild meeting it was alot of diff questions and stuff, some wanted to dissbann Zylos Hand and make new guild, but that got voted down (THANKS GOD!), some asked about recrution (well we kinda need more active wpvp'ers!)

ambu, Infinty and rasumu left guild (they are moving other server) cant stop them doing that tho they where fine ppl aswell.

Anyways! this guild will NOT stop ganking rats if ya hoped that! we will continue harder! get more geared and skilled! and be even more ready to kick your ugly asses too the Grave yard!

But i gotta say Good Luck in real life Zylopfá, we miss u alot allready!


mandag 12. april 2010

wow forum....

Banned From WoW ill write some stuff here =)

damn, had some argue on wow forum....and got banned =( THANKS BLIZZARD!!!!
uhm, anyways, not been so much Wpvp lately, tho i have some whines..but they are on other computer....dont got it here, but will post it when i get home again..
also im doing some arena now, its going kinda good got 1114 rating...55 wins and 31 loss...could been little better if Coolbeans didnt have those dc's he had xD

also got some flamming in shoutbox by several saints members...telling me im shit and fine with that, cos i aint the best rogue, but i can pwn somebodey's face atleast..also said something on forum that i killed "nith(something) from saints 1v1 yey cheers too me" the thing is, pve gear or not, and fishingpole or not u can change it out in combat, shammy can also purge + heal....or some can atleast, but most shammy's can heal, but that wasnt the point, the point was that some ppl say i only kill 80's when i outnumber the enemy....thats NOT true, well i might need a wing man to take a drood with 50k or a DK with 50k cos thats alot of health :S

Xnumb also talked about them pwning us 2v5 in darkshire...well it was more like 2 of them + 3 other random's that was pissed off by alt ganking...but i guess ppl DONT read on what the "pvp, pve, rp-pve, rp-pvp" means, but im gonna state it all here JUST FOR U =D

Right from WoW site....

Normal Realms ("Truce")

These realms are labeled Normal in the realm selection screen when you enter the game. The main focus of the players in those realms is to fight against the monsters in the game rather than against other players. That is why you can think of the Normal realms as "truce" realms. On Normal realms, other enemy players can't attack you unless you allow them to.

Role-Playing Realms (RP and RP PvP)

f you enjoy role-playing (RP) and character development and would like to imagine that you are an inhabitant of a fantasy-based world, then a role-playing realm may be for you. Please read our Role-Playing Policy, first, however. Players who choose to play in an RP realm should abide by the Role-Playing realm policies and remain in-character at all times. Role-Playing realms give players the chance to develop characters with a backstory who do not go blindly from quest to quest, but instead assist or hamper the efforts of others for reasons of their own. As far as game mechanics are concerned, there is no difference between a Role-Playing realm and any other realm. You don't get special benefits or special hindrances other than the behavioral rules you agreed to when joining a Role-Playing realm.

Role-Playing realms can either be Normal realms or Player vs. Player realms. When a Role-Playing realm is Normal it is called RP realm and all game mechanics are the same as a Normal realm. When a Role-Playing realm is a Player vs. Player realm also it is called RP PvP realm and all game mechanics are the same as a Player vs. Player realm (for example in a RP PvP realm you still can't attack members of you own faction, it is a RP PvP realm, it is NOT a "full" PVP realm).

And for the PvP realms!!
Player vs. Player Realms ("War")
These realms are labeled PvP in the realm selection screen when you enter the game. You can play the same way you play in a Normal realm, except that PvP mode will sometimes be switched on automatically without any action on your part, allowing the other player characters from the opposite faction to attack you without warning. That is why you can think of the Player vs. Player realms as "war" realms. On Player vs. Player realms, you are in a constant state of war against the other faction.

Main differences

  • PvP mode is activated differently than in Normal realms.

  • Some game policies are specific to Player vs. Player realms and you should read them before playing in such a realm
  • Each zone of the game has a PvP flag color that shows its PvP status. There are no “neutral” zones.

Each time you enter a zone in a Player vs. Player realm, the name of the zone will appear with one of the following colors:

Green – Friendly (allied with your faction - Alliance or Horde)

Red – Enemy (hostile with your faction - Alliance or Horde)

Yellow – Contested (for both factions) <-- means u can kill what u see


  • You will get the thrills and excitement of never knowing what can jump on you at any time. No game session will ever be boring. It's a constant adrenaline rush.

  • Your fighting skills against other players will be recognized both by your companions and your enemies.

  • You gain PvP rewards more easily.




  • It is harder to fight monsters and to complete some quests in contested territories. Basically the game is harder in a Player vs. Player realm because you need to worry about the other faction's players.

  • if you want some safety from other players you will have to do more private (instanced) dungeons.


 Sentence to remember: In a Player vs. Player realm, I may be attacked by other players everywhere at any time, except in friendly (green) territories and in dungeons (instances).

søndag 28. mars 2010

serious ratslaying!

Had alot of fun slaying rats lately, and i still love being a part of Zylos Hand.
mostly all ppl in guild are so damn cool to play with.
got promoted to Ratslayer few days ago by Kingrd Zylopfá!<3
Also had some sick wicked time ganking with Zylopfá latly!
it's allways a pleasure ganking with that fine undead!
Also had ALOT of fun ganking with Silentsniper lately,
hes allways up for some WPvP fun like ICC and stuff.
managed to get all the non rating gear of wrathfull now aswell,
and hopefully ill get relen. chest this week aswell. *crossing fingers*
added som pictures under here ya can watch ;)
its from ICC entrance + SW 25k ach ;-D
Made like 170HK in ICC ;-D
and alot in SW (mage tower)

Boozebellie (saints) also the 2.nd of the 3 officer's
and since they got no GM there
 its the highest rank u get

Drizztx, annoying Rogue from saints

Gimmi a pala from saints

Mukken also a Saints member

Crelle another saints member
after  i killed him 5 saints members rush out from tunnel
lucky for me that  i was in stealth xD haha

Crui from saints got to taste Silentsniper's ranged weapon

2 dudes where summoning, so i sap'd one and killed other,
then killed the last one, but came a drood after that killed me
same drood that killed silentsniper =( BAD DRUID! /shoo

Dude that tryed to hide haha to bad i found him
and got him stunned from 100% down too 0% hp

Was in SW aswell today, with some gmates and randomes
there i got the 25k HK ach :D YAY cheer to ME! :D

Cevitus - Ratslayer of Zylos Hand <3

fredag 26. mars 2010

Some rat slaying!

Some kills made with Zylpfá and Silentsniper.
and all the corpses aint us its rat corpses.
made 200-250 kills that night

Ludomania going down!

Ludomania one of the 3 officer in saints
also the founder.

Horazul from saints

Franczesko from saints

Crui From saints (hunter class leader)

Skylox from saints

also an old gm i had
Shantia (only girl gm i had)

Silentbreeze..imba movie u made man where u kill us in wg battle..
Guess u died this time dude ;)
But fun to see your active in pvp :)

mandag 22. mars 2010

more stuff!

we killed this hunter for some time and he made alt
and sweared @ silentsniper, that i didnt like,
silentsniper needed to go after this.
i kept taking him few times cos of the swearing and the fact
he attacked Vally of Trials.
all this gave me this.
he was even more harsh against silentsniper.
so hope for his own good he sendt an letter to silent.

killed this priest few times.
then hes friend shows up on next ress...
well they sucked! took em both while both had full hp..
later on we where in rebel camp since kingrd Joined!
there we found 2 little better geared rats (guess their mains)
then another 2 comes so we got Tqxen to join us,
on same time Tqxen gets an invite to our guild so
Welcome to Zylos Hand Tq!

thats all for today!

søndag 21. mars 2010

Whines :D

Tuesday evening, we are killing some scrubs when this pala shows up..
stand where we fight with aoe and
Sunday and its fishing time, alot of rats gather aswell :D
Killed this hunter 4 times, no need for food even, he sucked!
was no competition at all...
One RLY RLY mad cow with draenei alt...killed him only 2 times....

mandag 15. mars 2010

Gold seller /w me...hmmm

well i was bored, and just posted a new post here, then i hear this sound of a /w, so i check wtf is going on and there it was, a gold seller...wierd she/he didnt answere me =( well heres a screenie of whats been said.

Why?!?! i hoped u would answere me! :O
Me lov u long time, only 5 dolla!


i been rly lazy latly, but i got some kills and some whines! YEAH! :D
latly i havent felt much fun playing cos i have been doing some other stuff but now im back to make it a living hell for ya ppl in STV! so i got some pictures to share with ya :D

Since he Ignored me i needed to log over to talk to him ;)

Here is tushie and her
friend/stalker(as she called him)

Whine? :D i logged over to have a chat after this.
Since she had a 80 druid on the right side.

i also /w Fiffiman to tell him to join the right side...
he was mad =(

since he was so mad, i took my mage "saintkiller"
and whent to kill him, he didnt know it was me
But damn how mad he got.

well thats all for this time, but i will put out some more rly soon ;)