tirsdag 20. april 2010

Kingrd Zylopfá!

17.04.10 did our king leave WoW for good, this is something we in Zylos Hand think is verry sad.
but ofc, i can see his point since the World PvP is smelly these days with the PvE loving blizztard team that maked the last expansions...(Make something with REAL good WPvP options in cata plx! or well, its prolly all made, so just hope for some better options there then it is in this retarded LK expansion.

Zylopfá Promoted Tornado to Gm, but Tornado wanted a vote on who shall be GM, Insequre got choosen, nothing against it since i think inse is a verry fine player. but ofc, we all miss Zylopfá!

so @ guild meeting it was alot of diff questions and stuff, some wanted to dissbann Zylos Hand and make new guild, but that got voted down (THANKS GOD!), some asked about recrution (well we kinda need more active wpvp'ers!)

ambu, Infinty and rasumu left guild (they are moving other server) cant stop them doing that tho they where fine ppl aswell.

Anyways! this guild will NOT stop ganking rats if ya hoped that! we will continue harder! get more geared and skilled! and be even more ready to kick your ugly asses too the Grave yard!

But i gotta say Good Luck in real life Zylopfá, we miss u alot allready!


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