mandag 15. mars 2010


i been rly lazy latly, but i got some kills and some whines! YEAH! :D
latly i havent felt much fun playing cos i have been doing some other stuff but now im back to make it a living hell for ya ppl in STV! so i got some pictures to share with ya :D

Since he Ignored me i needed to log over to talk to him ;)

Here is tushie and her
friend/stalker(as she called him)

Whine? :D i logged over to have a chat after this.
Since she had a 80 druid on the right side.

i also /w Fiffiman to tell him to join the right side...
he was mad =(

since he was so mad, i took my mage "saintkiller"
and whent to kill him, he didnt know it was me
But damn how mad he got.

well thats all for this time, but i will put out some more rly soon ;)

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