søndag 28. mars 2010

serious ratslaying!

Had alot of fun slaying rats lately, and i still love being a part of Zylos Hand.
mostly all ppl in guild are so damn cool to play with.
got promoted to Ratslayer few days ago by Kingrd Zylopfá!<3
Also had some sick wicked time ganking with Zylopfá latly!
it's allways a pleasure ganking with that fine undead!
Also had ALOT of fun ganking with Silentsniper lately,
hes allways up for some WPvP fun like ICC and stuff.
managed to get all the non rating gear of wrathfull now aswell,
and hopefully ill get relen. chest this week aswell. *crossing fingers*
added som pictures under here ya can watch ;)
its from ICC entrance + SW 25k ach ;-D
Made like 170HK in ICC ;-D
and alot in SW (mage tower)

Boozebellie (saints) also the 2.nd of the 3 officer's
and since they got no GM there
 its the highest rank u get

Drizztx, annoying Rogue from saints

Gimmi a pala from saints

Mukken also a Saints member

Crelle another saints member
after  i killed him 5 saints members rush out from tunnel
lucky for me that  i was in stealth xD haha

Crui from saints got to taste Silentsniper's ranged weapon

2 dudes where summoning, so i sap'd one and killed other,
then killed the last one, but came a drood after that killed me
same drood that killed silentsniper =( BAD DRUID! /shoo

Dude that tryed to hide haha to bad i found him
and got him stunned from 100% down too 0% hp

Was in SW aswell today, with some gmates and randomes
there i got the 25k HK ach :D YAY cheer to ME! :D

Cevitus - Ratslayer of Zylos Hand <3

fredag 26. mars 2010

Some rat slaying!

Some kills made with Zylpfá and Silentsniper.
and all the corpses aint us its rat corpses.
made 200-250 kills that night

Ludomania going down!

Ludomania one of the 3 officer in saints
also the founder.

Horazul from saints

Franczesko from saints

Crui From saints (hunter class leader)

Skylox from saints

also an old gm i had
Shantia (only girl gm i had)

Silentbreeze..imba movie u made man where u kill us in wg battle..
Guess u died this time dude ;)
But fun to see your active in pvp :)

mandag 22. mars 2010

more stuff!

we killed this hunter for some time and he made alt
and sweared @ silentsniper, that i didnt like,
silentsniper needed to go after this.
i kept taking him few times cos of the swearing and the fact
he attacked Vally of Trials.
all this gave me this.
he was even more harsh against silentsniper.
so hope for his own good he sendt an letter to silent.

killed this priest few times.
then hes friend shows up on next ress...
well they sucked! took em both while both had full hp..
later on we where in rebel camp since kingrd Joined!
there we found 2 little better geared rats (guess their mains)
then another 2 comes so we got Tqxen to join us,
on same time Tqxen gets an invite to our guild so
Welcome to Zylos Hand Tq!

thats all for today!

søndag 21. mars 2010

Whines :D

Tuesday evening, we are killing some scrubs when this pala shows up..
stand where we fight with aoe and
Sunday and its fishing time, alot of rats gather aswell :D
Killed this hunter 4 times, no need for food even, he sucked!
was no competition at all...
One RLY RLY mad cow with draenei alt...killed him only 2 times....

mandag 15. mars 2010

Gold seller /w me...hmmm

well i was bored, and just posted a new post here, then i hear this sound of a /w, so i check wtf is going on and there it was, a gold seller...wierd she/he didnt answere me =( well heres a screenie of whats been said.

Why?!?! i hoped u would answere me! :O
Me lov u long time, only 5 dolla!


i been rly lazy latly, but i got some kills and some whines! YEAH! :D
latly i havent felt much fun playing cos i have been doing some other stuff but now im back to make it a living hell for ya ppl in STV! so i got some pictures to share with ya :D

Since he Ignored me i needed to log over to talk to him ;)

Here is tushie and her
friend/stalker(as she called him)

Whine? :D i logged over to have a chat after this.
Since she had a 80 druid on the right side.

i also /w Fiffiman to tell him to join the right side...
he was mad =(

since he was so mad, i took my mage "saintkiller"
and whent to kill him, he didnt know it was me
But damn how mad he got.

well thats all for this time, but i will put out some more rly soon ;)