torsdag 28. januar 2010

Zylos Hand had some fun outside SW

After alot of rat slaying in sw we found it good for a picnic outside sw =)

Alittle about Zylos Hand!
Zylos is a World PvP guild that loves to gank other players either in grp or alone.
it was on ravenholdt but moved over to Burning Blade.
i been ganked few times by zylos my self, tho i dont hate them since PvP is a part of the game.
i also won a few fights.
but back to zylos.
its a Friendly guild with alot of good ppl, when u log on u feel they are verry happy to have u there!
but on their site u can read their history and Why World PvP.

here is the site: Zylos

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