lørdag 30. januar 2010

X-saints member down.

was running around looking for trubble in redridge, there i found Nottie.
she is an X-saints member but still has her alt there so found out i gotta gank her.
tho i needed to run right after the kill, 2x Spacecow's started to fire their spacelazer @ me =( but i got a screenie :D and i didnt die!

Whine again!

he never showed up with his main as he promissed =(

fredag 29. januar 2010

WPvP kills since 20.jan 2010!

I been in Zylos Hand soon 2 weeks and managed to do over 1182 Honorable World PvP kills, not bad for an X PvE noob i would say. But will be funny too see how many i can do on a whole month!
Tho i got some new exp. with WPvP and some new gear, will be awsome when we can buy PvP gear for frost, has some emblems ready for that! so i might start doing some arena aswell.

changed faction on my mage!

Well i liked it so much in Zylos Hand that i did a factionchange on my mage! so got a before and after picture :D



torsdag 28. januar 2010

Zylos Hand had some fun outside SW

After alot of rat slaying in sw we found it good for a picnic outside sw =)

Alittle about Zylos Hand!
Zylos is a World PvP guild that loves to gank other players either in grp or alone.
it was on ravenholdt but moved over to Burning Blade.
i been ganked few times by zylos my self, tho i dont hate them since PvP is a part of the game.
i also won a few fights.
but back to zylos.
its a Friendly guild with alot of good ppl, when u log on u feel they are verry happy to have u there!
but on their site u can read their history and Why World PvP.

here is the site: Zylos

Whine! haha!

This is how to Reply to a whiner =)

A dude i ganked few times, also his alt...

He was pissed, tho i was Harsh back, but remember not to be, let them be mad so u can have the laugh!

We had some Fun ganking 2 Saints members

We ganked these 2 for little, ofc they got me a few times.
so i wanted to check if they whined and logged my pala

When u whine like that u get ofc little more! like on pic under!

perssoon dosnt like me =(

Some Ganks ;D

here are some Ganks!

alittle about my self!

Well im sharing alot of good moments in wow with a special girl tho, so im posting a picture of us!

and starting to put out some Gank pictures after this =)

onsdag 27. januar 2010

Well here im gonna blog about WPvP !

Hell yeah im trying to kill what ever i see, atleast those rat`s !

im gonna post alot of kills, hopefully alot of whines :D

i just had my Mage faction changed but also got a Rogue on horde side.

I play on a realm called Burning blade where i joined a sweet WPvP guild called Zylos Hand and i love them!