torsdag 27. januar 2011

New Blog!


lørdag 22. mai 2010

Bolvar smells!

Ofc i am on other comp now so i dont got the screen :P but i found out that bolvar smells kodo-do-do!
Iloveyoudados assraped him in duell xD cheers man! thanks for raping bolvar and his smelly kitty :D

mandag 3. mai 2010

Orly? ganking is for kids?

I heard that Ganking is for kids, well today im 24y/o and Ganking is still fun! :D

So screw u guys, im going home xD (to gank low lvl's!)

fredag 30. april 2010

Zylopfá is back!

Zylopfá is back and we celebrated that with some Kickass ganking @ SW gates!
here is some pics

Welcome back Zylopfá!! we missed u alot!

onsdag 28. april 2010

So whats new?

whats new? is that a good question? hmmm....gotta think about that i guess...but few things happend :D

  1. Ðarling and pamz got promoted to ratslayers! GRATZ!!! :D
  2. I got promoted too Royal Cowguard! cheers too me :D
  3. I got new mount! ahh yeah! (fucking awsome i tell u) so now im doing taxi service in air aswell :D
  4. i haz ganked :O
  5. Some more ppl left Zylos hand =(
  6. i saw my self in insequor's new movie! =D
  7. im having in few days =D ( may)
my new mount (rocket)

just a random gank outisde ICC

tirsdag 27. april 2010

Insequor's new video! Enjoy :D

Insequor is one hell of a good video maker! so i found out i shall post his new vid here, just hope he dont get mad :D

anyways, here it is! Insequor "The Cleansing"

fredag 23. april 2010

hey all

dont got much too say, but captured some small clips with ganking, gonna edit it to a bigger movie when i get more clips :P
My GF made a pic for me aswell its a pic of me guarding Zylopfá's castle while he rest.

Links to the movies + profile on Xfire:

also more vid's on the profile.
but thats it for this time :P

HA!L and K!LL !!